Western PA Clergy:
Started at the end of August and continuing to June 2022, rabbis and cantors of participant congregations each chose a favorite subject to share for a series they call Clergy Explorations. Cantor Rena Shapiro of Beth Samuel Jewish Center in Ambridge led off with an immersive Sh’mitah Seder and musical Selichot service to usher in […]
Ohio Cohort Meets to Hear Experts on Israel and on Antisemitism
This fall, JCLP—in cooperation with the Network of Independent Jewish Communities, Jewish Federations of North America—has already hosted two seminars attended by members of more than a dozen small congregations throughout the state. One focused on Antisemitism and the other on Israel. A planning committee comprised of lay leaders from the congregations chose those topics and […]
Montana Torah finds a new home
A Torah from Montana Finds a New Home in Texas When Jack Wallace was called to the Torah during his bar mitzvah on October 2 in Texas Hill Country, the spirit of generations of a historic Jewish congregation in Montana stood with him. Jack chanted from a Torah that had just been transferred from Congregation […]
An Opportunity to Light Up a New Building
Temple B’nai Abraham in Decatur, Illinois, graciously offers six Magen David ceiling hung lamps and six Magen David sconces. Please contact Art Gross (argross@gmail.com) if your congregation is interested in these symbolically-decorated objects of illumination. September 20, 2021